Sunday, December 29, 2019

Reflection Of Leadership Reflection - 1741 Words

Personalized Leadership Reflection â€Å"It is unequivocally clear that leaders are not like other people† (Kirkpatrick and Locke, 1991, as cited in Northouse, P. G., 2016, p.22). I have always thought that I was not like other people; I see the world through a different lens. This difference, which sets me apart from my peers, has sometimes restrained my progress; however, after studying my differences and seeing them as strengths, I can now focus on these strengths that make me a unique, passionate, progressive leader. In reflecting on my leadership skills, I will analyze the results of the leadership questionnaires, as presented in Peter Northouse’s book, Leadership:Theory and practice (7th ed.), connect those result strengths with the†¦show more content†¦During our summer experience, there was some discontent in my group. When relationships did not go well, focusing on the paper and presentation was the only thing that got me through the group work. In the end, we made it, but I would have much preferred a strong emphasis on both tasks and relationships as reflected in this questionnaire. Situational Approach This approach seems very practical in everyday situations. I find myself thinking about what I would do in a specific situation or finding answers to problems based on the circumstances of a specific situation. I found this questionnaire to be more of a quiz on the understanding of leadership styles and development levels needed, rather than a clear indicator of my participative strengths. I did; however, find that I can delegate, support, coach, or direct, depending on the specific situation. Practicing situational leadership in this questionnaire did help me think through what actions I need to take to foster success in specific situations. For instance, I related to situation 4 as I coach another teacher who I work with on a daily basis. Joe, a second year teacher, has the knowledge and the ability to teach well, but sometimes he just needs some words of encouragement to push him forward. I have watched him as a leader in his classroom and among other teachers , which lead me to recommend him for our school’s Leadership Team. He was honored to have been selected, but worried about how heShow MoreRelatedReflection On Leadership765 Words   |  4 PagesLeadership Reflection Due to my passive nature, I’ve always avoided leadership roles. With that being said I still aspire to be someone who can be looked to as a leader. In order to reach that goal I observe and try to mimic the actions of people that inspire me. There have been many people I’ve taken orders from, but I have â€Å"followed† few. Those are the ones I consider to be true leaders, and have tried to be like myself. 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And an excerpt from this article below quite interests me theRead MoreReflection On Leadership832 Words   |  4 PagesThe most important lesson I have learned thus far in Leadership and, in fact, the MM DD program is the importance of focusing on your strengths rather than your weaknesses or purely your weaknesses. As far as I can remember whether it be in math class, playing the bass guitar or singing, teachers, tutors and mentors have always emphasized practicing to make up your deficiencies. To improve your score or performance, you had to practice doing problems that you were scoring lowest in or practice soRead MoreLeadership Reflection863 Words   |  4 Pages I have learned and heard of several different definitions of leadership during my time in this class. First, during our group meeting with Chancellor Jack Hawkins he defined leadership as â€Å"the management of hope.† Next, when I was preparing my two-minute speech I found a definition by Dr. Ben Carson that I enjoyed. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Amazon.Com an E-Commerce Retailer Essay - 3909 Words An E-Commerce Retailer A case report prepared for Professor Stroud MG 495/DLD Business Policy Fall I 2011 August 21, 2011 THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY CORPORATE STRATEGY I. INTRODUCTION A. Executive Summary 1. Summary statement of the problem: Considered to be the premier online retailers in the word, has had a short life (founded in 1994) but can be proud of the strides it has made. Jeff Bezos, founder of, had an idea that was rejected by his former employer. Bezos decided to take his idea and found a new type of company, one that could withstand the test of time. Bezos was future-thinking when he founded the company because at that time very few households had access to the†¦show more content†¦ offers a variety of products and services to its customers: books, music and video/DVD; electronics, tools and kitchen gadgets; apparel and toys. By partnering with other online retailers it allowed the ability to offer e-commerce operations through their patented technology and to capitalize upon e-commerce expertise. This allowed those companies to benefit from Amazon’s already high traffic. did show cumulative los ses through their investment in other online retailers (, and due to the collapse of the stock market (Collins, Mockler and Gartenfeld, p.6). But Amazon signed deals with traditional brick-and-mortar retailers companies such as Target, Circuit City and Borders giving them the advantage of not having to run their own web site. began a store hosting business through zShops. This service offered small and midsized companies the ability to market their products to customers who shopped online. Amazon attracted people through their A-to-Z Guarantee (Collins, Mockler and Gartenfeld) giving buyer’s confidence because in the event that the product was undelivered and/or defective they were assured of a refund and/or exchange. zShops allowed merchants to sell their products inexpensively through the already established and loyal customer base. Amazon benefited because it reinforced their motto â€Å"of offering the earth ’s largest selection†Show MoreRelatedAmazon.Com: an E-Commerce Retailer3537 Words   |  15 An E-Commerce Retailer A case report prepared for MG 495 Business Policy (Fall I 2012) Miguel Lopez 26 August 2012 An E-Commerce Retailer I. INTRODUCTION Selling nothing but books is how started its business in 1995, now is acknowledged as the leading online retailer in the world. In addition, its new line of products is the compactRead MoreAmazon.Com: an E-Commerce Retailer 13016 Words   |  13 An E-Commerce Retailer I. INTRODUCTION A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. 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While it dominates domestically in the US, the company is continuously working on being a power player in the Asian Pacific and elsewhere. â€Å"Amazon is investing across the company to boost the volume of products sold on its site, adding features to its Kindle line of e-readers and tablets and beefingRead MoreAmazo n.Com Case Study1032 Words   |  5 PagesIT ELECTIVE (E-BUSINESS) Chapter 1 Case 1 AMAZON.COM Angeles, Catherine Marie Cabral, John Kevin Pangilin, Kristel Mae Sabater, Shenalou 1. New Jersey judge ruled that Inc. violated its agreement to give toy retailer ToysR Us Inc. the exclusive right to sell toys and baby products on Amazon s Web site. In the ruling,New Jersey Superior Court Judge Margaret Mary McVeigh said Toys R Us can sever theagreement it signed  with Amazon in August 2000, in which it agreedRead MoreAnalyzing Amazons Strategy Will Identify Internal And External Forces That Amazon1640 Words   |  7 Pagesvital to the survival of any business, let alone the first online retailer. To accomplish this, looking at Amazon’s past behaviors, as well as conducting a PESTEL analysis, analyzing Porter’s Five Forces, and a SWOT Analysis as it pertains to Amazon will give further clarity on their position in the e-commerce market. Although initially, Amazon was an online book retailer, their goal quickly shifted to be the biggest online retailer where people could by anything and everything (Kargar, 2004). 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Their international business has more than doubled over the past 2 years Amazons primary value chain includesRead MoreThe, Inc. : An American Electronic Commerce And Cloud Computing Company Residing1021 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Problem Background, Inc. is an American electronic commerce and cloud computing company residing in Seattle, Washington. It is the largest Internet-based retailer in the United States. started as an online bookstore and later it diversified its product range by selling DVDs, CDs, videos, DVDs, electronics, toys, tools, home furnishings and housewares, apparel, and kitchen gadgets. The company also produces consumer electronics— Amazon Kindle e-book readers, Fire TabletsRead MoreAmazon, Inc. Inventory Management1553 Words   |  7, Inc. Inventory Management The e-commerce giant that everyone knows as started in 1994 as a vision of great untapped potential from founder Jeff Bezos. â€Å"Seeing beyond the obvious to potential commercial applications, Bezos saw a giant opportunity in the general public’s growing usage of the Internet, which was exploding at a rate of 2,300 percent per year† (Llopis, 2011). Since 1994, e-commerce and Amazon have both grown to be integral parts of business as we know it. ThisRead Moremarketing mix of amazon Essays930 Words   |  4 Pagesthe edge of their product and within the proper time frame. My paper intends to describe how uses the marketing mix to ensure an ideal environment for consumers, and displays how the 7ps are implemented. Amazon was founded in 1994 and is considered the largest e-commerce retailer in America. In 20 years this organization has become a fortune with 500 companies that have dominated the e-commerce market which has displayed unique growth and understanding of their market and their client

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Principles of Catholic Social Thoughts

Question: Discuss about theOperations Management Principles. Answer: Introduction: Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd is one of the largest custom build kitchen cabinet makers. The company was established by Fung and Mei Chen in the year 2008. They were siblings who were experts in interior designers and cabinetmaker. Fung and Mei noticed that their business is growing and then they decided to extend their business. Fung decided to be the production manager and operations manager. Mei decided to be a general manager of the Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd. The duty of an operational manager is that they can administration the highest level of management to get the report from them and to make an analysis based on that. Technical Analysis on Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd.: de Menezes, Wood Gelade (2010) mentioned that Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd uses the cabinet making equipment for their high quality of work. The factory layout has different types of equipment grouped together. As a result, the factory has seen and cutting tables in one section. They have router and shapers in another room. They do frequently use the machines that help them to create a better quality of the product. They have the individual quality of cabinet that can be equipment to use the standard cabinets that had to be processed that uses the individual cabinetmaker. For the past few months, they have decided to the sale of the kitchen had increased much more than previous months. That increase the amount of work they have to execute in the shortest period. That makes the Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd busier in work to get the best result in a short period of time (Wang, 2010). Mei Chen announced that their company has grown and they have decided to make sure they have the best result to extend their business (Gold, Seuring Beske, 2010). However, the head of the accounting department did not agree with them and he has mentioned that the profit margin is not so high to extend the business. They should work on the processes and they should finish the existing works as soon as possible. An increasing amount of capacity and capital they have invested in getting the work done as soon as possible. This was the cause of no longer promised delivery time. The current way of getting the best result is to make sure they have the proper materials and they can deliver the job on time. However, the management of the company decided to response to the customer's feedback. They also decided to take the decision later based on customer feedback. Mei understands the client's need. They have decided to take a final decision to get the best result. They also decided to take s ome low-budget works that can be helpful for Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd to grow more in a short period of time (Sheu, 2010). The Problem Definition of Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd.: Subramanian, (2010) said that Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd has the organizational skill that can be helpful for the company to grow more business. The company can prioritise through the execution and monitor the progress of the business. This ability can help Fung and Mei to increase their business and getting more profit. They both are the expert in the kitchen and interior sections. They have to understand the process of getting the business more improved and help to grow it further. As a result, they can get the best system to deliver a high-quality product to the customers. They can broadly understand these processes so that they can easily get the functions. They have to understand their worker's skill to give the best service to their customers. They always have to maintain the quality of the work to make sure they deliver the best result. The problem-solving skill is very important here. Feng and Mei have to understand the ability of the job to make sure they have the quality p roduct (LaGrega, Buckingham Evans, 2010). Stokes Wilson Wilson (2010) mentioned that Feng and Mei should use the latest technology available for the market research and they need to understand the need of their customer. They have to understand the reality of the quality job and they have to make sure their workflow and delivery time needed to be more accurate by the time of execution. Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd should take help from their experienced manager to get the best solution for any problem. As a result, they have done the quality job to make sure their client gets the best service within the time. That will help the Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd to be successful. After being successful, they need to move on to grow their business. However, if they try to grow without the proper profit margin then they can again become successful for the next phase of their business. Mei and Fung have to group up with their customers. They should be focused on the rapid improvement of the progress (Schaper, et al. 2010). Organisational Issue Caused by Operational Problem in Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd.: Karlsson (2010) said that the issues caused when Feng and Mei decided to control the business separately. Feng decided to become the production and operational manager. On the other hand, Mei decided to become the financial and overall manager. She affective took the role of the General Manager. They decided to divide their duties as per their role in the business. The client did not understand the division of the business. They wanted to get the order directly from the owner and they always look for their previous way to approach. The client suddenly realised that their price is more sensitive than the custom-made kitchen buyers. As a result, they decided to account for the majority of the company`s sale. The standardised kitchens accounted for 40 percent of the Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd factory volume and 25 percent of revenues. The company have various types of equipment that created by the company workers and they have done a good job to deliver the products on time. Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd has some assemble areas that can be used for keeping the finished product to get the high esteem. The custom and standard cabinet need to maintain the quality of the product to get the business grows more. The sale of custom kitchen cabinet increased and the sale of builders line is growing steadily. Mei decided to announce the company as one of the most growing company as the profit margin, however, the accountant of the Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd mentioned that they cannot announce the company as one of the grown company. Mei understood the situation and Fang decided to take care of the overall scenario of the business. Then they have decided to create a new line of business for both of them (Andersson et al. 2010). These things actually placed a deep effect on the business line of Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd. The organisational resources of their business affected because of their decision. The whole company faced a problem because of it. That is the reason why they have done minimise human errors to get the best result. After that, they have understood the decision was wrong and Feng handled the situation carefully (Nath, Nachiappan Ramanathan, 2010). Conclusion: Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd was a business of two brother and sister - Feng and Mei. They were the management of the company. However, Feng decide to be the manager and Mei decided to be the general manager of the company. Mei took some wrong decision by announcing that their company is growing. That decision made the whole company face the problem and they again decided to make sure they have the situation under control. They have used the rule of operational management to get the work done. Reference list: Andersson, H., Hoff, A., Christiansen, M., Hasle, G., Lkketangen, A. (2010). Industrial aspects and literature survey: Combined inventory management and routing. Computers Operations Research, 37(9), 1515-1536. de Menezes, L. M., Wood, S., Gelade, G. (2010). The integration of human resource and operation management practices and its link with performance: A longitudinal latent class study. Journal of Operations Management, 28(6), 455-471. Gold, S., Seuring, S., Beske, P. (2010). Sustainable supply chain management and interà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ organizational resources: a literature review. Corporate social responsibility and environmental management, 17(4), 230-245. Karlsson, C. (Ed.). (2010). Researching operations management. Routledge. LaGrega, M. D., Buckingham, P. L., Evans, J. C. (2010). Hazardous waste management. Waveland Press. Nath, P., Nachiappan, S., Ramanathan, R. (2010). The impact of marketing capability, operations capability and diversification strategy on performance: A resource-based view. Industrial Marketing Management, 39(2), 317-329. Schaper, M., Volery, T., Weber, P., Lewis, K. (2010). Entrepreneurship and small business. Sheu, J. B. (2010). Dynamic relief-demand management for emergency logistics operations under large-scale disasters. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 46(1), 1-17. Stokes, D., Wilson, N., Wilson, N. (2010). Small business management and entrepreneurship. Cengage Learning EMEA. Subramanian, M. (2010). Network management: principles and practice. Pearson Education India. Wang, F. Y. (2010). Parallel control and management for intelligent transportation systems: Concepts, architectures, and applications. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 11(3), 630-638.