Sunday, December 29, 2019

Reflection Of Leadership Reflection - 1741 Words

Personalized Leadership Reflection â€Å"It is unequivocally clear that leaders are not like other people† (Kirkpatrick and Locke, 1991, as cited in Northouse, P. G., 2016, p.22). I have always thought that I was not like other people; I see the world through a different lens. This difference, which sets me apart from my peers, has sometimes restrained my progress; however, after studying my differences and seeing them as strengths, I can now focus on these strengths that make me a unique, passionate, progressive leader. In reflecting on my leadership skills, I will analyze the results of the leadership questionnaires, as presented in Peter Northouse’s book, Leadership:Theory and practice (7th ed.), connect those result strengths with the†¦show more content†¦During our summer experience, there was some discontent in my group. When relationships did not go well, focusing on the paper and presentation was the only thing that got me through the group work. In the end, we made it, but I would have much preferred a strong emphasis on both tasks and relationships as reflected in this questionnaire. Situational Approach This approach seems very practical in everyday situations. I find myself thinking about what I would do in a specific situation or finding answers to problems based on the circumstances of a specific situation. I found this questionnaire to be more of a quiz on the understanding of leadership styles and development levels needed, rather than a clear indicator of my participative strengths. I did; however, find that I can delegate, support, coach, or direct, depending on the specific situation. Practicing situational leadership in this questionnaire did help me think through what actions I need to take to foster success in specific situations. For instance, I related to situation 4 as I coach another teacher who I work with on a daily basis. Joe, a second year teacher, has the knowledge and the ability to teach well, but sometimes he just needs some words of encouragement to push him forward. I have watched him as a leader in his classroom and among other teachers , which lead me to recommend him for our school’s Leadership Team. He was honored to have been selected, but worried about how heShow MoreRelatedReflection On Leadership765 Words   |  4 PagesLeadership Reflection Due to my passive nature, I’ve always avoided leadership roles. With that being said I still aspire to be someone who can be looked to as a leader. In order to reach that goal I observe and try to mimic the actions of people that inspire me. There have been many people I’ve taken orders from, but I have â€Å"followed† few. Those are the ones I consider to be true leaders, and have tried to be like myself. 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