Saturday, May 30, 2020

Advertisement Essay - 550 Words

Advertisement (Essay Sample) Content: Name InstitutionInstructorDateCommodity Fetishism of Makeup Products and Services Beauty is one of the aspects that has been understood by many. People view women as the only human being that perceive the essence of beauty. In the modern world, natural beauty of a woman has not been recognized; therefore, need to enhance it with application of chemical products. For decades, advertisements of makeup products and services have widely spread in our society. By viewing mass images with the same focus of womens appearance, the public also starts to give more attention on womens outward beauty gradually. According to John Berger, The myth regarding that men look at women has changed the perspective of how men perceive women and the same case how women perceive other women. Such tendency has changed the womens attitude toward their way of living. Appearance becomes dominant and crucial to women compare to any other things. One would say that these alliterations and changes result from cosmetics and the invention of technology especially regarding genetics. According to cosmeticians in the media shows, a woman is always admirable depending on her appearance. This is the typical economic market strategy used to sell their products. They broadcast the extreme value that only when a woman does the makeup, she is able to attractive to others. Therefore, instead of spending time doing meaningful activities, women tend to spend mass time beautifying themselves through makeup products and services. According to Guy Debord, sacredness is being upgraded in proportion as truth decreases and illusion increases; therefore, the highest degree of illusion comes to rule the world. In the same context, the issue of image has been detached from all aspect of life fuse in s common stream that the unity of this can longer be reestablished. The liar has lied to the specialization of images of the world by (Naomi Woolf 1991). In the novel Oryx and Crake, the NooSkins prog ram focuses on developing skin-related biotechnologies. Such technology is basically replacing ones old skin with a fresh one. The sole purpose is to make money from women who are desperate to keep their beauty. Yet the technology is dehumanized that it disobeys ones nature growth. In modern society, advertisements of makeup products and services lead women to disobey the nature growth in order to keep themselves young and beautiful constantly. In order to discuss this ideology well, it is vibrant to use quotes and examples from Oryx and Crake, as well as Guy Debord. Considering an example of the make-up products and services that most women use, it is alleged that a person can only perceive the beauty of a woman regardless of the make-up she has applied. A woman remains beautiful regardless of her make-ups. In this case, science is a parameter that can influence the decision of those who are already in it. The beauty that many people think they can earn from cosmetic is eligible t o them that perceive it. In this point of view, the influence of science should not alter the way one address. It is believed that people live in a world with freedom to make choices based on preferences (Debord 67). The issue of bio make up has taken over the natural beauty of women. Women are implementing plastic surgery aspect in order to stay young. Females disobey the natural growth. Women are now judged by their beauty extent and not by their character. According to (Debord 50), outer beauty has taken over the inner beauty of a woman. In advertisement, the aspect of exaggerating the efficiency of the products has been enhanced excessively. In most cases, people should not let their preferences and choices affect others since this is a personal stand. Considering an example of Nooskin in Oryx and Crake. This is contrary to his choices and preferences as he does not use the products and services but makes them. The community that utilizes some of his products and services perce ives Jimmy to be prosperous in the sense that he has an acceptable product for the entire community. This can be justified when Ramona, Jimmys stepmother, salutes Jimmy and says that they are proud of him. This conceded to Behords quote that suggests that in a setting where modern conditions have dominated, all the life present at that place is immersed in cumulative spectacles. Consequently, everything that exists in the given setting is a presentation because of the change due to peoples taste and preferences (Debord 54). Based on Philips claims and arguments, a lady is free to spend her time doing make-ups provided her choices do not affect other people in the sense that she is seen to be disobedient of their natural growth. This makes sense when regarding how the woman relates to her ecosystem. Some women may choose to live freely; that is, never affect her natural growth but still be accepted and recognized as beautiful. In this view, it is evident that the fetishism of make-up products and services depends on ones definition of beauty (Dye 119). If one chooses definite beauty to be associated with too much make-up products and services, she belongs to the world where she can abolish everything to disobey her natural growth to modify the way she needs to look. This may be contrary to a woman who perceives her beauty to be attributed to her natural growth. In this point of view, such women will obey their natural growth in the name of making their beauty. According to Dick (12), the American life today has been affected by its economic capitalism where one identifies ways to make cash regardless of how people perceive him. This can be evident when Jimmys mother says that some people have pigs brain upon, which they can take advantage. The societal morals have been eradicated with peoples interests to an extent that they cannot perceive reality. It is for the same reason that Margaret portrays the American community as having many spectacles that dictate th e way people relate or socialize. This ideology corresponds to Behords quote where he suggests that spectacles are not just collection of images, but a social relation that attach people together by virtue of the images it poses. Based on this fact, it is evident that people have made their looks to dictate the way they should relate to others. Often, women who have the same interests tend to group and isolate themselves to those that do not exhibit the same interests (Debord 67). This dictates ones relations to others in the sense that she cannot easily relate to other people. It is for this fact that the American life today is dictated by the physical impressions that a person possess. Due to this reasoning, some women do not just disobey their natural growth by choice, but because of maintaining their relations with their friends. In such cases, they end up using make-up products and services to improve their beauty as their friends ascribe it. According to Debord (29), there are realities in the American way of life that need to be taken in its status. Looks should not possess People and denied them some necessities in life. She goes ahead mentioning that one can cause herself much harm by denying natural growth. It is believed that when someone undergoes a natural growth, she has a health advantageous as opposed to one who disobeys her this growth in the name of making her beauty. In this point of view, when someone has allowed her life to take some desired trend, she has the entire trend on her side by taking the changes daily. This ideology corresponds to Debords quote that advocates character change by virtue of the way spectacles flows. According to this quote, a spectacle made of images affects peoples way of life. Debord compares the whole phenomena to that of suns radiations where he says that the sun cannot dictate the entire modern passivity. According to him, the sun may have the ability to cover the whole world but may not be the determinant o f change as people may think. In this case, people are left free to choose what they feel is right for themselves. It is speculated that these verdicts should not override ones deeds to an extent that one may lose or miss something of the necessity to his or her life. This same ideology is presented in Debord quotes where he says that the victory of any autonomous economy lies in its success. According to him, the force that the society can take economy necessities when such are replaced with necessity for boundless economics is related to the satisfaction. Additionally, primary needs are replaced by an uninterruptible fabrication of psedo-needs and demands that are likely to reduce the single psedo-needs and demands of maintaining the reign of the autonomous economy. In this way, the autonomous economy is pronounced to break from its fundamental needs that can lead to social unconsciousness. From this point of view, provided something yields positively to a growing economy, it is e conomically right to apply the tool to prioritize capitalism in order to improve the economy. Therefore, it is justified to earn from people provided they are contented with the products. In fact, the economy can benefit from such transactions since; people spend expensively to overcome their weakness especially when it comes to beauty. Based on Williams and Behords ideologies, it is significant that capitalism has shaped the way people interact and carry out their daily activities. It is alleged that once something constitutes positively to the economy, the same product and service should be used regardless on the morals its impact to the society. Capitalism has dominated peoples minds to an extent that they can consider doing even what is perceived to be wrong just to ear...

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