Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on A Critical Analysis of Lies My Teacher Told Me

A Critical Analysis of:Lies My Teacher Told Me It would be better not to know so many things than to know so many things which are not so. -FELIX OKOYE Out of all forms of literature currently known to man, educational textbooks are arguably the least interesting. On top of being incredibly boring, textbooks, especially American history ones, neglect to include the entirety of the information that it should. Because American history textbooks wish only to paint the United States in a bright light, the authors opt to leave out anything that may hurt its image. What Lies My Teacher Told Me attempts to do is lay out uncommonly known facts for the misinformed history students of today.†¦show more content†¦Then, through the content of the rest of his book, he proves himself to be hypocritical by having laid down an even more boring account of American history. While he makes a respectable attempt by bringing forth potentially interesting flaws in history, it really doesnt compensate for how disorganized the book is. Loewens first chapter to actually contain content about history deals with Americans misinformed beliefs about apparent American heroes. He focuses primarily on Helen Keller and Woodrow Wilson, both of which have little known facts about them that may impede on their statuses as heroes. While informing his readers that Keller was a radical socialist who supported the USSR and that Wilson led many motiveless invasions of Latin American countries is, in itself, interesting information to know. However, Loewen constantly jumps back and forth between the two heroes and their descriptions, causing him to not only fail at accurately portraying his message, but also send the reader into a boundless pit of confusion which only gets worse as the book progresses. Next up for this abomination of literature are two chapters about the frequently discussed myths of the first settlers of America.Show MoreRelatedComparison Essay1541 Words   |  7 Pagesauthority in the class room. In his essay, he says that all the power belongs to the teacher. Richard Rodriguez’s essay â€Å"the achievement of desire† he states that the power belongs to the student. In many ways, these two influential writers are similar and at the same time have completely different views about education and the education system. Rodriguez spoke of being filled with the knowledge of his teachers and knowledge from reading what he called his â€Å"important† books, despite being consideredRead MoreEssay about School Violence1704 Words   |  7 Pagesschools? 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